Secrets and streetfighters

So few knew I was pregnant and my 12 week scan was looming. There was the matter of a few nights coming up. One night in particular being my favourite night of the year. Halloween.

Usually at Halloween I would get dressed up and go out with my best girl, Lee. That’s what we had did last year and the year before that. We have been everything, geeks, bo peep, pilots, Jessica rabbit and Vulcans, Never did I miss an opportunity to dress up, to be someone else for the night. Halloween is magic, it’s fun and cheeky. It’s a right of passage and a chance to let loose.




Halloween was also the night I met Andrew 28th October 2011 only a year before. I was dressed as a baywatch lifeguard with full blown inflatable float and whistle, red swimsuit and bare legs, I really don’t know what he saw in me.

So here we were a year down the line, me pregnant and Andrew and I heading out together to the Auchengeigh miners club for the football teams halloween party. No OneUp for me this year. We decided that since there was a group going, we should do a theme, choosing streetfighter as our costumes, I was non other than the famous Chun Li, I mean, come on, who else could get away with this costume, having thighs as muscly as mine it was a given i should dress as her with her famous Lightening kick. Also the middle part of her costume was stretchy and although i had no bump as yet, my waist was gone already. Andrew was Ryu the streetfighting champ, and after ruining my urban decay black kohl eyeliner to draw in black sideburns to match his wig, we were complete. Our friends were Ken and Sakura, it looked great if you were a streetfighter fan.

Now here was the difficult part, to say people talk is an understatement, to say they draw conclusions is another, so instead of me saying to everyone that I was the designated driver and letting them put two and two together or them trying to persuade me to drink, we tried to let them believe I was heavy on the booze, obviously concluding this was the best option, Our whole team of streetfighters were in on the secret and willing to play along. This proved to be a tough scenario, especially with Andrews housemate James. He insisted continuously that we had to have ‘shots’ and kept buying me G&T which i used to be partial to.
Poor Andrew had to drink it all which did not bode well for his sober state. Some people will be reading this and saying its a result for him, however I do have to disagree because there is no exaggeration as I say that there was an endless supply of drinks for me at the table, Andrew getting worse for wear by the minute.
What also confused people toward the end of the night was when I conveniently got into the drivers seat of Sandy’s BMW and drove us all home. Another of Andrews friends came with us too, the whole time believing their story that I was a better driver when I had been drinking. Andrew being hyper on alcohol was planning to stay up and party, But he swiftly conked out as soon as he was home, Waking the next day with a fuzzy head and a sensitive stomach.

I’ve never been a drinker, I like to have some gin and cocktails when I’m out, maybe the odd glass of wine with my dinner. I used to quite occasionally offer to be the designated driver on Saturday nights and I’d enjoy my night whether I had alcohol in my system or not. But……. I must admit, I was bored, watching everyone get more and more inebriated, whilst I pretended to nurse my fake G&T (lemonade). I was tired and I wanted my wee bed. Now I know why you don’t see many pregnant girls on nights out, or out past 11pm. It’s a tough old game that no matter how hard you try, it’s impossible to be a part of.

I’m sure most of you have been there, have you pretended to be drinking whilst chucking the drink like a ninja over your shoulder, I’d love to hear your stories.

All comments and feedback are appreciated